July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

under written Terms subscribed by the proper authority. for this act Santa Anna forfeighted his life on the just principles of retaliation, and policy could only Justify sparing him, and that was to get Texas cleared of the Mexican without the great sacrafice of men that might have been made in obtaining possession of Goliad, and the alamo-but if the Mexicans disavow his acts, and attempt to renew her acts of butchery, then, I would retaliate to the knifehandle and not only put to death the officers with Santa anna at the head, but the soldiery, one for one. if Mexico made it a war of extermination, I would meet her by eye, for eye, tooth for a tooth, until she would learn to act like christians. How has this Clerk Editor become acquainted with my opinion. I have had no conversion with him on this subject as far as I recollect. I have had but one opinion on this subject, and that was he had forfeighted his life by the laws of a just retaliation, but it was humanity in Houston to spare him on the conditions agreed upon, and if these conditions were not fulfilled St. anna was retained as a fit subject for retaliation if it became necessary. Your prudence and judgt. I have no doubt will guide you right in the case of Genl Scott. Why the Editor of the Neapolitan would drag my name into view as it reguards St anna I know not, and if he has become the Editor of a Foreign Government he is unfit for a clerk in the war department. Major Donelson promised to write you as soon as we got here the signs of the limes as they appeared on our journey hither, whether he has done so I cannot tell. I can only say that the White and Bell delusion is wearing away very fast in tennessee. Sulivan, Washington, Green, and Hawkins will all give majorities against White. I am invited to a dinner, barbecue, on the 20th. it, I expect will be numerously attended. say to Col Earle and Major Noland I have recd their letters but have not time or health to write them now-give my respects to them and major Lewis and all friends, and believe me yrs.

P.S. I shall be with you about the first of october.

Andrew Jackson

[To Francis P. Blair]


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