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[3963) [COMBS to HYNES]
Near Matagorda Bay, Texas, August 12th, 1836. Dear Sir:-We reached this place on Sunday last. The army is about 25 miles from us, and it is thought the next move will be for Matamoras. Col. Harrison started up Red River. It is thought he is in Velasco, where the cabinet is now sitting. We saw Col. Wilson at Galveston. He has gone back with forty or fifty men-the balance, a part of two companies, are now encamped on the same ground with us. There are also two other companies within seven or eight miles of us. I suppose when all of us join the army, it will consist of nearly twenty two hundred men. Provisions are not so scarce as they expected it would be. There are three vessels now in the Bay that have just been unloaded of provisions and clothing. Wild deer and cattle are innumerable on the prarie.
J. Combs. [1st Lieut. Capt. J.P. Price's Co.]
Dr. A. W. Hynes, Bardstown, Ky.
[3964) (GAINES to HOUSTON]
[Edmund P. Gaines to Sam Houston, August 12, 1836, stating in part: "Your views, urging the propriety of concentration within supporting distance of the settled parts of Texas, and pointing out the inevitable and worse than useless risk of operations upon Matamoras, or upon any other part of your western frontier, without a superiority of naval force, evince an extent and a justness of reflection, comprehension, forecast, and military mind, which, if sustained, can not but insure triumph-complete triumph-to the cause of Texas."] [39651 [HENRIE to HOUSTON] [Arth~r Henrie, Nacogdoches, to Sam Houston, August 12, 1836, regardmg the service of his son John in the Army.]
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