July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

I would like as soon as possible to hear of the success of

the expedition for the vessels

I am Sir, truly yours

Thos. J. Rusk

[To Sam Houston]

(3962) [TOBY lo BURNET]

New Orleans August l l. 1836

To his Excellency David G. Burnett President Sir

Enclosed we hand you a Bill lading, for 40 Boxes Brown Havana Sugar

14 Bags Coffee 5 Casks Con tu 0

4 Russia Iron camp Kettles 5 large Tin Coffee Boilers 996 Tin Pint Tin Cups 250 - Canisters for 4 lb Shot 596 Soldiers Canteens 4 Boxes, Contg 500 leather Caps, The Wm & Francis will sail in a few days & we shall send

by her 26 Bags Coffee

\Ve Have ordered the Schooner Congress into the Lake to take on Board at Fort Pike, several 24 & 18 pounders for Galveston with one or more from here-

Very Respectfully Your obedt Servts Thomas Toby & Bro.


The Freight on the above S194 84/ LOO we have paid as the

Captain refused lo take Lhe Goods unless we did so

TT & Bro


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