July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

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hundred leagues of land who has never bared his bosom to the shafts of the enemy in defence of his lordly claims has been inviting known and malicious slander and falsehoods to damn my reputation I have been charged with bring a military aspirant a Tyrant who had subverted the civil authorities of this Country I have been abused by that very authority for [illegible] them · beforehand asking them in earnest Lones for clothes for the naked supplies for the starving and medicines for the sick and dying I have reasoned with them begged them and prayed them to [illegible]-The Physical force of the Country and all the returns I have received was the improvement of every favorable opportunity which prescribed itself to upon me in the estimation of being stronger who excited the Seat of Government these remarks do not apply to all of the Cabinet some of them have acted differently but with all these things I do not complain I have no desire to fill any office in Texas or elsewhere I have no overwhelming desire to figure any where except at my own fireside where I trust in God I shall soon have the privilege of retiring to but Sir we are upon breakers of ignorance and impudence stalk abroad in the land slander detraction abuse and [illegible] is the order of the day and if we do not soon adopt some system and some rules of Law to govern the angry passions of men we shall forfeit all our claims to the benefits of that kirid providence lo whom alone we owe our success so far corruption stalks abroad in this Land the still small voice of reason and truth is suppressed and without a speedy change we shall feel the bitter effccts of the informal system of slander distraction and abuse I shall as desired by you show your letter to General Green,Huston and the officers of the Army but I sincerely hope before the election takes place I shall be beyond the jurisdiction of the Republic where I think I ought to have been some weeks ago and should have been if I could have received that support which I requested of the Cabinet but all these things will get right I hope but I must add that hope has been greatly weakened in the last three months of our existence we have so many irons in the fire I am afraid they will all burn up and if we are successful I am fearful of much evil we have so many great men and such small space for them to move in I fear they will get mighLly tangled in their machinery Lord have mercy on us save us from the enemy and from the mighty operations of our own Great Men.


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