July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

hope you will take the matter into consideration and give me such directions as your judgment may deem most expedient & best Respectfully Your ob St &c A Huston Qr Mr Genl (3960) {LINN to JACK]

New Orleans August 11th 1836

Dear Sir.

Excuse the liberty I take of addressing you, but as the subject is of importance to me at least, if not to our cause and credit of our Republic, I could not refrain from writing. The Texas Agent (Mr. Toby) has advertised Texas scrip for land. I applied for some holding Treasury Drafts for money due me and which was to have been paid in cash or its equivalent. Mr. Toby would not receive the Treasury Drafts in payment for the Scrip. Now I do not consider this to be very hard, and if policy is pursued, I can assure you, it will call down just censures on our affairs for as we have no money to pay just demands, by giving scrip, inliquidation, it would shew a disposition to do as far as our means would allow. I to not want anything to be inferred from this. that I claim more than any other individual, and I will only say that I have contributed as far, (and farther) as any other of my means, in support of our country, and never intend to ask any remuneration whatever, but I do think that by letting those that have demands against Texas, have a part, at least, of their claims in land, an act of policy at least. For this intrusion I hope you will receive it in its true light, and meant for general good. You will be kind enough to write me on the receipt of this and give me the opinion of your Cabinet on the subject. Direct to care of Wm. Vance, No. 14 Custom House Street.• As for news I have none more than you get by the public prints. Do not give your consent to our Army advancing on Matamoras for the summer months at least, nor to the shooting of Santa Anna; for the latter act we would be very much censured from all parts, as you may see in the public prints.


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