accordance wilh this order, shall be deemed a felony, and all persons who may violaLe it, shall be subjecl lo immediate punishment. Cavalcades of horses and mules havinu been brotiuhl t, t, from Lhe west without orders, it is fit that some safeuuard should be established lo properly. No deserters from the ~rmy of the United Stales, will be knowingly counLenanced in the army hereafter, and will be immediaLely delivered upon application by_ Lhe General commanding on the frontier of the Uniled SLales. Samuel Houslon, Commander-in-Chief. [3959) (HUSTON to SAWYER]
Office of the Qr Mr General Quintana August 11. 1836
To the Hon. F. F. Sawyers Actg Secty of War Dear Sir,
About the 20 July last I was informed by W 1-1 Jack Seely of SLale lhat there were a number of Beeves on, or east of lhe TriniLy river which had been donated for Lhe use of the Govt. also people in lhat Quarter were not willing lo do something for the Govl. and advised me to have a proper person sent Lo procure them. I accordingly ordered Qr Mr Lee to thaL quarter for lhaL purpose on the 23d & on the 25 he informed me Lhat his order had been countermanded by the President. On Lhe same day I received an order from Secty of War ordering me to have 1000 beeves boughl east of the San Jacinlo & Trinity rivers and driven west of the Brazos. I accordingly issued an order lo Qr i\Ir Lee to repair there and carry said order into effecl. I received a note from Qr Mr Lee giving me notice that, that order was countermanded or suspended by the President.- Whether it is acLually necessary Lo have those beeves purchased or nol I am not prepared to say, but I think not from all I am able to learn in regard to the quanLily west (I have taken some pains to make myself acquainted with that matter since the order was first given) It will however be best lo have the matter disposed of in some way. I am still bound by the order from the Seely of War to carry it into effect, unless otherwise clirecLecl by your honor-I
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