July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

With respect lo the expected i11vasion of Texas, J have with you my apprehensions, though there s1~ems al the present, every probability of such a revolution in :\lexico, as may postpone operations for a while. From the Accounts in the papers, which you have no doubt seen, ere this, pronunciamenlus arc laking place, in favor of Federalism, in all directions, without any molestation from Lhe Government, and writers from different parts of Mexico, express the opinion merely, that the invasion of Texas will be for a time suspended. It seems the Acting Presidt. has resigned, and Aleman is spoken of as his successor, but I think from my knowledge of him he will not accept. The forced loan which you have seen decreed is said to be so unpopular, that not much good is expected from it. Notwithstanding aU this, they may make out lo harass Texas not a little. It is a week to night, since Majr. Collinsworth left this [city] for Nashville, to sec Gen Jackson and urge the mediation, solicited by S. Anna and equally by us. I shall write to him by the mail of tonight. As I have said before, there is in my mind no doubt that the present Administration, can carry the measure of Annexation. Genl Jackson feels the utmost solicitude for it and we know how much that will count. You mention nothing of the Agent, from this Government having as yet arrived among you. I fear he will behold a confused state of things. But if his report should be unpropitious for recognition, it will I think be good for mediation-which for my own part I should like to see proceed on any terms which the United Slates might deem consistent with our honors, even if they should think some consideration was due to ~lexico, in the adjustment of the business. What but an unreasonable sort of Pride could make any one opposed to this? As I intend to make pretty regular communications whether I have any thing important to say or nol, I will for the present conclude.

Having the honor to be Very respeclfully Yr Obt Servt P. \V. Grayson

Honblc Wm 1-1 Jack Secretary of State etc etc


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