Headquarlers, Western Department, Camp Sabine, August 11, 1836 Sir: I have the honor to transmit, herewiLh, a copy of a letter which I received yesterday evening from Lieutenent BonneU, dated at Nacogdoches, August 9, 1836, with copies of the papers in which he refers, numbered 1 to 3, inclusively. The statement of Major Menard, obtained by him through a confidential agent, whose name you will find in the enclosed paper, No. l, and which it is very desirable to the respectable persons interested, as essential to the interest of the service that it should not be made public, appears to me to be a strong confirmaLion of whaL had been previously reporLed to me by many persons, several of whom, I am satisfied, are entitled to unquestionable credit. The enclosed letters which I have received from Dr. Everett, of the town of Jasper, in Texas, (Nos. 4, 5, 6,) a gentleman whom I know to be held in high estimation for his talents and integrity, tend strongly to corroborate the slatement of Major Menard, whom I deem to be one of the most correct men known to me in the town or vicinity of Nacogdoches. I have called upon the Governor of Missouri for 1,000 men, one half lo be mounted; 500 (of each arm) to be placed at Leavenworth, and the remaining 500 at Fort Gibson, or if circumstances require it, they wiU be brought to Fort Towson or to Nacogdoches. I have the honor to be, with due respect, your most obedient servant,
Edmund P. Gaines Major General commanding
To the Secretary of War Washington city.
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