July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

2. Will you stale what commissions have been charged by

us, and what by the writers of the book referred lo.

3. Will you stale whal amount of supplies, munitions of war, &c., have been furnished the government by us, and what profits we have made on them, and how we have been paid. 4. Will you please stale whether our profits charged in our account against the government, after paying freight and charges, amount to more than the commissions charged by those gentlemen for supplies furnished by them, and bought on the credit and responsibility of the government. 5. Will you stale, on an average, whether the mu nilions of war, &c. furnished by us, with our own means, have cost more than those furnished by those gentlemen as agents of Texas? 6. Will you stale whether the supplies brought lo us were brought al our own risk or that of the government, and at whose risk those furnished by those gentlemen? 7. Will you stale what has been charged by us for the transporlalion of volunteers from New Orleans to Texas, and what by those gentlemen? 8. Will you stale whether we have, in any instance, attempted lo defraud, or extort from the government, and if so expost if fully. 9. Will you please stale what are our advances to Texas from the beginning of the war, up to the retreat of the Mexican army from Texas? 10. Will you please slate what those gentlemen are in cash advances lo Texas, up lo this dale, exclusive of their commissions? 11. Will you please slate what is the amount of commission charged by them for services rendered Texas, and what ours? 12. Will you please stale how we have been paid our advances lo the government? Your compliance will be very thankfully acknowledged by your friend and servant,

Thomas F. lVlcKinney, For McKinney & Williams.


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