(3950) [HUSTON to SNELL]
Office of the Quarter !\Ir General Quintana August 10. 1836.
To Lieu L M. K. Snell Sir,
. I have just received a requisition from you for numerous ?rt1cles most of which do not belong lo this department for msla_n~~ J\'Iedicin~ ~loathing &c There is but one article in your requ1s1t1011 that 1s m store here, that is, soap. There is a lot of cloalhing expected soon. You had better make your requisitions for your stores in Bulk as you are situated so far from here, unless there is stores at your place
Respectfully Yours &c A Huston Qr Master General
Quintana, 10th August, 1836. To Major Asa Brigham, Auditor, and H. C. Hudson, Comptroller of the Republic of Texas: Gentlemen-We have just seen a pamphlet published by Mr. Bryan and others, formerly agents of Texas, in which heaven and the authors only know why, or for what object, we are attempted lo be impeached. For the clamorous complaints, which are but too common in Texas, we care not one copper; nor are we ambitious of becoming conscpicuous by writing a book or making publications. But presuming those gentlemen wish to effect something from the pains they seem to use in propagating what we conceive lo be falsehood, and knowing that a slatemenl of facts deducible from documents in your office will place the matter in its true light, and knowing your devotion lo truth and justice, we hope under these circumstances, you will not withhold from us such statement, viz: 1. Will you be pleased lo stale the amount of our accounts against the government of Texas for vessels, and what profit~ we have made on them, and how we have been paid.
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