[3949) [HUSTON lo SAWYER]
Office of the Qr l\fr General Quintana Aug 10, 1836.
To The Honhle Sawyers Acly Seely of War Dear Sir,
After hamling you the letter last evening directed to his excellency the President it occurred to me that I had not explained fully enough to him in regard lo the examination of my office. The fact is, I had advanced about Two thousand dollars which I had expended in my department the most of it belonging to other persons. Money that had been entrusted to my care and I had expended some of it without even the knowledge of its owners expecting I would be able to have my accounts audited & the necessary means taken to have the money ready for them. After opening my office and getting all my accounts placed in their proper shape I called on the auditor to ascertain the proper course lo have my accounts audited, he advised me lo address a note lo the President apprising him of the fact and requesting of him to appoint some proper persons to examine & report lo the proper authority. I did so in a note addressed to the President dated 13 July last owing to the bad slate of the health of the Presidents family, the hurry of business or some other cause he did not notice my request- Several days after Col. Millard arrived from the army as he said on special duly, as the representative of the Commandg General I still feeling a deep sense of the duty I owed to those whose funds I had appropriated to the use of the government, I accordingly addressed a note lo him requesting of him to appoint a board of officers lo examine the state of my office and report accordingly which report you have in your office. Thal report will give you an account of the stale of my office at that time, other documents which I shall forward to the auditor will fully explain lo you transactions which have since taken place, all of which will be laid before your honor, and which I trust will be sufficient to satisfy you of the correctness of this office.
Sir I have the honor lo be Yrs &c A. Huston Qr Mr Genl
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