July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

lo l11~ f11rni:-;hcd to Lhc P11n•wr of the l11vi111:iblc to lw i11Vl'slcd i11 slops l~C for Lhc use of Lhat v1'.s:;cl

Your Ohl Scvl Davit! G. l3urncl.


Head Quarters West. Dept. Camp Sabine August 10th 1836


I have received your communication of the 2.1 st of last month, with the enclosures refered lo, and which preceded the mail. They were handed Lo me last nigh l 1,y Lieut Pau I. A favorable change in the health of Mrs. Gaines, added lo new indications of hostility among the Indians in ancl West of the disputed Territory induced me lo remain here, until your duties with the Indians of the West would allow you lo visit this place on Nacogdoches. I have received information the truth of which I cannot doubt, that many lrihes of the Indians of Texas, and of our side of the unmarked hut supposed boundary have been engaged by the aulhorilics of Mexico lo aid in the war extermination against Texas. I have proof that the Cherokees and Bowl's wiLh the Caddocs have been so engag1:d. The Caddoes arc reported lo have 400 Warriors,- 13owl's Cherokees are estimated al les.c; than 1! 'i0. These tribes though not numerous are capable of being very formidable by their perfect knowledge of Lhis country, by which they would have it in their power lo lead the more westerly and northerly tril,es into every settlement; and lo every house on our side of the line, and as far as the Red River, from Alexandria lo Fort Lawson, and throughout the disputed Territory. I have had reason lo calculale on hostilities being commenced as soon as the Corn got ripe enough lo cal- or as soon as th1: Mexican Army shall approach the rcmaini11~ sclllements of Texas-which arc principally 011 this side of the Brazos.- The Mexican Army was howevl~r still al Matamoras 011 the 16th of last Month- held in check probably by the suppos1·d determination on the part of the Texians to hold the life of Santa


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