July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

(3941] [13llRNET to MORGANJ

Executive Deparlmenl Vclasco IO Augl 1836

To Colonel James Morgan Sir

Yours of this morning is received - I have instructed the Seely of War lo dirccl the removal of the Mexican officers, prisoners al Lhe Island lo Liberty, lo be placed under the general supervision of Hon. William Harden and authorized him lo cause a compelenl (guard) lo be raised by draft from the citizens of Lhat Municipality for lhe Safe keeping of those prisoners - You will be pleased to have Lhat order executed wilhoul delay - Liberty is more interior than Anahuac and presents less facilities for escape - Provisions are more abundant Lhere and l presume adequate accommodalions can be had for them all. The presenl unhealthiness of Lhe place is a serious objection - but the fact that lhe prisoners are all natives of a warm climate thal they will be very lillle subject to the fatigues and exposures that usually induce disease in Lhis general climale, would seem to divest that objection of its principal force - I would recommend that Capt. Turner with about one half his Company conduct the prisoners to their new quarters - thal he proceed by water to Anahuac & from there march up lo Liberty - Capt Turner Should remain with Lhe prisoners until they are comfortably provided for and until a competent guard is organised for taking charge of them - when he should return lo the Island - IL is proper that some distinction be made among prisoners of war and I have often thought, and not without mortification and regret that Genl Cos has not been treated in a manner suitable lo his rank or in otherwise corresponding lo his comparative worth as a humane man and one who has treated our prisoners al San Antonio with great kindness - But I hope all will be so lrealed that Texas may escape the charge of cruelly or meanness - The Scher Kosciuske may be employed in conveying lhe prisoners lo Anahuac - In as much as il may be possible Capl Turner may requin· some comµulsory process lo secure means of lransporling lht'


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