Mattamoras Wm H was very cautious and Dr Archer strongly opposed lo it but after remaining a clay or two all there became fully satisfied of the correctness of the plan and Wm H Wharton and the Doctor entertained no doubt but Lhal they could bring about lhe cooperation of the Navy and Government and for the purpose of effecting I appointed them to proceed to Velasco wrote them out instructions to supertend the bringing around of the Vessels Boats Supplies and Mules to Copana and also wrote a long letter to the Secretary of War and they started work yesterday warm in the cause and sanguine of success we have received considerable reinforcements and more are on the way we hear also of many starting from the United States Col Ilee from South Carolina has arrived in Camp and says five hundred men at least can be brought from them and that means can be procured also. Another piece of good news Legrand has arrived in Camp and says no doubt but that the Comanches & Lipatlans can be enlisted and he is ready at any moment lo engage in the business Legrand is a very intelligent and persevering man as lo future movements of the Cavalry I desire they shall be come about San Patricio a few days until I can send out some more mounted men lo drive back some Caltle that are on this side we shall need some of them at Copano when the Army will march as soon as any supplies arrive If there are any horses then it would be very desirable that they could be procured I would be glad as soon as you can conveniently do so you would come to Camp say at least in seven or eight days if you can leave Col. Fulton in the Command of the Cavalry I will at any rate communicate the first intelligence I secure from this our Second [illegible] to Velasco. I send you also a paper published al Columbia containing amongst other things the Constitution which will preclude my running for President on account of my age I am Sir with gre~t Respect
Your obedient Servant Thomas J. Rusk Brig Gen Comg
To Brig Gen Felix Huston
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