July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

we fondly hope the time is not distant. It is said that Genl. Gaines has or will establish his head quarters at Nacogdoches. Should this be true, and the claim of the U.S. to the Neches, admitted by Mexico, it would have a most unfortunate influence on the balance of Texas; and I, for one, am prepared to say, "if you take part, take all." In Mr. Grayson's last and only letter, which I have received, he desired to know if possible what may be the probable Texas debt? I have conversed with a number of Gentlemen on this subject, who are well informed, and the current of opinion, seems to be, that it does not now exceed eight hundred thousand dollars. You have no doubt received a copy of Santa Anna's letter to President Jackson. The fond hope is cherished, that something valuable may result from this, and that the further effusion of blood may be suspended by the friendly interposition of that Government. Do you think a negotiation could, in any way, be opened through the Mexican Minister at Washington; Suppose you sound him indirectly, and, if possible, learn whether Mexico will consent to appoint commissioners, to meet ours, on neutral territory for the purpose of settling the terms of a peace, based upon the recognition of our independence. I am inclined to think this measure is very likely to succeed, but still it can do no harm.

Allow me to conclude with assurances of the highest personal regard

Wm. H. Jack Secy of State.



Department of State Velasco 23rd July 1836

To Thomas Toby Esqr Texas Agent Sir

Enclosed you will find a power of Attorney, of a special character, authorizing you to issue scrip, for this Government, for


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