you are authorized to provide for them. You will be carefull lo kt>ep duplicate recipts of all your transactions and report to this office al the end of every month giving a full stalemenl of all your proceedings-
A Huston Qr Mr General
Done at Lhe time & place above named- (3929]
Office of the Qr Mr General Quintana August 9. 1836
To His Excellency D. G. Burnet President of Texas Dear Sir
You have undoubtedly heard of the misfortune that befell my office on the nighlof the 22d July last, I reported the fact to the Secty of War the day following. I have not been able to ascertain any thing that could have led lo the perpetration of a deed so horrid in its nature. I have spared no pains since that time lo try to pul my Books & accounts in a proper shape and as far as I have placed any thing on record in the shape of an account I pledge myself as an officer lo maintain by evidence sufficient to satisfy my Government- I had taken great pains in preparing my vouchers in the Regular form practised in this department in the United States and actually fell proud of the neatness and regularity of all my documents, but, Sir, they have been torn from me by some miscreant, and for what purpose I cannot even dream. I have collected the best evidence in my power in regard to them and hope such as will be satisfactory to your Excellency of their correctness- Sir, I have the honor to be Yours &c
A Huston Qr Mr General
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