probably have taken care of it, if so you will do me a favour by fonvardjng il to me in the army. I wish to know if you can give me any informalion of my brother David P. Cummings. He wrote home in the winter of 1835 that he seen you at Gonzales and presenled you a leLter from father, and that you advised him to buy a horse and proceed to Goliad. Assistance was called for soon afler al San Antonio, where he went and was killed. I should like to get a furlough in order that I might see to his effects. He said in a letLer received from him that he left his books, cloths and two rifles wiLh a Mr. Whitesides in Columbia. I-le also had a surveying compass and apparatus LhaL I would like to know what has become of it. I wish to know what ought to be done with his right to land, wheLher it can be located before the land office is open or not. His Excellency S. Houslon Yours with respect Jonathan W. Cummings [3928) [HUSTON to ANDREWSJ
Order 24
Office of the Qr Mr General Quintana August 9. 1836
To Edmond Andrews-Brazoria Henry Raguel-Nacogdoches William 1-Iardin-Liberty Doctor S. H. Everett-Jasper Rohl C McDaniel-San Augustine Nat. Robins-at TriniLy crossing
By the authority in me vested, by a special order from the Seely of War, I do appoint you a commissioner to lake charge of all public property that may come within your knowledge- ! have called upon the people of Texas Lo make known lo you (and such other commissioners as I have appointed in different parls of the counlry) all persons holding property belonging Lo the Republic of Texas & whcnover such reporls are made lo you il will be your duly lo ferret out and find all horses, mules, & other properly not in service & take charge of them and have them delivered lo a proper officer. You are likewise lo provide for all volunteers passing through your place on their way lo or from lhe army. You will however be careful lo see thaL they are properly reported and recd inlo the service of Texas. before
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