Office of the Qr Mr Genl Quintana July 23. 1836.
To The Hon. The Secty of War Dear Sir,
A few days since I was informed by Mr. Jack a member of the Cabinet that there was some cattle in the neighborhood of Liberty belonging to the Govt & that I ought to send some person in whom I could rely to secure them, stating also that the people in that part of the Country were anxious to do something for the Government and that a quantity might be bought & I understood from him that he thought I ought to send immediately. I accord- ingly issued the order to Mr Lee, not knowing that there had ever been any order from the Govt regarding the cattle previous, and ordered my Clerk to take the directions of Col. Wheelock who said he had a knowledge of them. I understood from Col. Wheelock that the cattle that were seized were about to be run out of the country- It is well known to every man that knows my manner of doing business, that countermanding orders given by superior offi. cers of the Govt would never be done by me if I had a knowledge of the fact. I suppose our Govt were about to sustain a loss by not collecting these Beeves & therefore ordered Mr Lee to do so Sir I have the Honor to be Yr ob St &c A Huston QrMrGenl [3779] [HUSTON to SECRETARY OF WAR and l\'IILLARD]
Office of the Qr Mr Genl at Quintana July 23. 1836.
To the Hon. The Secy of War & Lieut, Col. Millard Comdg Dear Sirs
On the night of the 22d inst my office was entered by some villian and robbed of most of my public papers, also a quan- tity of private letters &c also of leaves extracted from my Day
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