July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

Therefore I, David G Burnet President of the Republic of Texas, by authority vested in me, do hereby authorize R. R. Royall Esquire to raise and organize a company of Independent Rangers to consist of one hundred men or more, if in the djscretion of the Commanding General, more should be necessary; the said company to be employed in collecting and driving in said cattle or such portion of them as can be had. And each of the said Rangers, while so employed in collecting and driving Cattle, shall be enti lied lo receive, from the Government, one dollar per day, over and above the ordinary allowance for soldiers of the Army, they providing themselves with good horses suitable for the particular service assigned them. The commanding officer, of the said Corps of Independent Rangers, will report his proceedings, from time to Lime, to the Commanding General, from whom he will receive orders, and when his particular service shall be completed he will report the whole to the Department of War.

David G Burnet

By order of the President F. A. Sawyer Actg. Sec. of War

r39121 [HOUSTON to RUSK]

Nacogdoches 8th August 1836. General, I received with pleasure your letter of 20th Ult. I was happy to learn the prosperous condition of the Army. I have heard much said in commendation of its state of discipline. The necessity for subordination has doubtless impressed itself upon every[body] with the Army. Rumors have reached this place, that it is in . . . advance upon Matamoras. As lo the propriety or impropriety ... I suppose there can be little diversity of opinion. For my own [part] I find no reason in support of the project. I cannot see what can be gained by it. Suppose the army was to advance and take possession of Matamoras [with) out the loss of lives-the character of our troops and [the) duration of their time [of] service would not authorize belief that we could garrison and maintain [the] place-a cooperation by sea and land would be necessary. Have we a [complete] superiority over the Enemy al Sea? If we have not, an Army in possession of Matamoras would


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