also subjoin some general instructions in relation to the matter. With great respect Your obedient Servant Thos. J. Rusk Brig. Gen. Comg. [Addressed:] Hon. A. Somerville [3908) [SWARTWOUT to HOUSTON] [Samuel Swartwout, to Sam Houston, August 7, 1836, stating in part: "The old chief, encourages us to believe that you are not abandoned ... Gen) Stewart left here the day before yesterday for Pensacola. His real object we suppose to be the command of the West India fleet preparatory to the reception of the answer from Mexico, to some queries or questions that the old man has sent to her ... We think your Independence will soon be acknowledged ... We shall press hard for annexation ... My noble Gen. you have erected a monument, with your single hand & in a day that will outline the proudest ... monarchies of the old world ... We have entertained your name in a proper manner ... over the bottles by coupling your name and achievements with Washington and Jackson ... P.S. Mrs. Swartwout, one of your greatest admirers, sends her kindest regards to you, and my daughter, now quite grown, begs me to say the same."] (3909] [BAKER to BURNET AND LAMAR] Conyers Livingston County State N. York August 8th AD. 1836. To his Excellency the President and Council - the advisers of the Territory of Texas Gentlemen having Learnt by Sirculating Publications of your Declaration to be free and lndependant and of the troubles you have to Encounter by the open acts of your Invading opposers and feeling a Natural desire and full belief that - National Governments ought to be Predicated upon a Base the People at the head the United Bonds of which the virtue and united Persiverance of said People will Protect and defind although Situated Nationally - as we are with the Mexicans your Invaders we deem it - Just and right to assist if assistance is necessary and - many Express the Idea fired by Patriotic Zeal to see you Nationall_y Established and Volunteer to your - assistance if wanted and 1f
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