Country may be prepared to act in any case of emergency I would suggest lhe propriety of holding drafts in all the .Municipalities under the provisions of the Law of the Last Convention holding lwo thirds of lhe Militia in a stale of readiness lo be turned out for a tour of al least [illegible] Col Wharton & Dr Archer have remained in Camp several clays and have conversed freely with most of the officers and will be able to give much information in relation to the situation of affairs here. I hope you will immediately lay this subject before the Cabinet & whatever action is taken on this subject should be clone immediately as the season is rapidly advancing when high winds may he expected which would greatly embarrass the movement. I have conversed very fully and freely with Col. Wharton and Dr Archer who will see the Cabinet and lay before the view entertained at large they fully concur with me in the opinions here expressed as well as others which they will lay before and I trust harmony and concert of action will prevail and that what is done will be done immediately. Wharton and Dr. will attend lo see the mallers arranged in relation to the Vessels Supplies &c forward Genl Green fully concurs in opinion and Genl Houston who is now out with the Cavalry I am convinced will also concur our vigorous and united effort now may save us hereafter much labor and difficulty.
I am with great Respect Your Obedient Servant Thos. J. Rusk
Head Quarters Coleto August 7th 1836
To the Hon Secy of War
Sir I have sent for Mr. Seymour and he has arrived in Camp. From a conversation with him I am well satisfied that a treaty o( Friendship can be effected with the Commanches and [illegible] Tribes of lnclians upon the most favorable terms. D Archer and Col Wharton will also confer with the Cabinet fully on this subject and if the Cabinet authorize me I have no doubt of being able to effect the Treaty. I will be glad if the Cabinet will
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