of sufferage, therefore all such persons entitled lo vote can do so by holding an election and sending the returns to the managers of the election al the capitol of the precinct of which they are citi- zens. The name of each voter being taken down in writing and forwarded with the returns. And as some of the precincts are depopulated by their temporary abandonment on account of the invasions of the Mexi- cans and the inroads of the Indians, therefore all such persons thus absent are permitted to exercise their right of sufferage by meeting together wherever they can in any number, holding an election and making the returns in Len days lo the Secretary of State, in which reh1rns shall be stated the names of the persons voting and the result thereof. The returns of the votes for President and Vice President are to be sealed up by the managers of the elections at the capitols and directed to the speaker of the House of Represen- tatives. And as it has been impracticable to publish the Constitu- tion in time to give the people ample opportunity to examine it, and as it is believed that some parts are objectionable, therefore the managers of the election are required to ask of each voter whether hs is willing to clothe his senators and representatives with constitutional powers to revise and amend the same, and finally to adopt it. Also whether he is in favor of the adoption of the Constitution as it now stands, or of its rejection, or revision and amendment by Congress. And as it is conceived important to the interest of the country that the people should determine whether they are in favor of annexing Texas lo the United States, therefore· the mana- gers are required to put the question direct to each voter and make return of the number of votes for or against it. The Senators and representatives so elected are required to meet on the first monday of October, in the town of Columbia. Done at Velasco 23 day of July 1836, and of the indepen- dence of the Republic of Texas the first. David G. Burnet
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