July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8


Head Quarters Colelo 7th August 1836

To Dr. T. B. Archer & Col. W. H. Wharton

Gentlemen your slay in the Army has given you an opporlu nity of seeing fully the situalion of a ff airs here and has enabled you lo make up your minds fully upon the present posture of our affairs. IL is a matter all important that the force now in the field and collecting should be actively employed or they will melt away and become in less than Sixty days greatly reduced. I have therefore after consultation with several of the officers concluded best lo request you to proceed immediately to Velasco I have wrillen to the Secretary of War requesting of the Cabinet a cooperation of the Land and Naval force and the transmission of supplies and recruits lo Copano you will therefore see and fully and freely converse with the Cabinet upon this maller and of the action and the view entertained in relation to the movements of the Army you are fully authorized to supertend and see lo the forwarding of the Boals Vessels Supplies Vessels Volunteers &c and for this purpose you are authorized to employ as many active and [illegihle] agents to attend to the forwarding as may be necessary if the cooperation of the Armed vessels or a portion of them can be had so that provisions & men can be shipped in safety you will direct them all to land at Copana to collect first the army will march as soon as it ascertained provisions are or may be expected al that point. I am Gentlemen Truly Yours Thos. J. Rusk Brig. Gen. Comg. You are also fully au thorizecl to accept the services of and forward on as many volunteers lo the army as possible and you are fully authorized to order any company or companys of men to assist in bring round the supplies vessels &c. Thos. J. Rusk Brig. Gen. Comg.


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