your_self lo the coi:nmanding Genl. You will be careful lo keep me apprised of what 1s most wanted from time to time and will be careful likewise to make your regular reports to me of aU your proceedings. I have ordered Qr Mr Caldwell to see that all the public horses & mules were marked with the letters T. A. he having left the army on duty you will see that that order is carried into effect. Brand them on the right shoulder with the Large Brand and on the hoofs with the small. It is expected that you will be prompt in carrying this order into execution as the army are now destitute of a Quarter Master
Your ob St &c A Huston Qr Mr Gen!
Hermitage, Aug. 7, 1836 Sir: Arriving at this place on the evening of the 5th instant, I was made acquainted with the requisition of gen. Gaines on the governors of Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi and Louisiana, for 1,000 men from each state. The letter of gen. Gaines and the proclamation of governor Cannon, of Tennessee, made known the basis of this requisition. Regarding the reasons assigned by gen. Gaines as not consistent with the relations which we have maintained with Mexico, since the existence of the civil war in Texas, or with those which it is our duty and wish lo cultivate with that government, as long as it observes good faith and friendship in its intercourse with the United Stales, I feel myself called on lo inform you that that requisition has not received my approbation, and that I trust, if the men called for have been br"ought into the field, you will forthwith cause them to be mustered and discharged, and await for further orders from the general government in respect to any other requisition for the militia. The I 0,000 volunteers au lhorised by the late act of congress have been apportioned among the stales and territories nearest to the theatre of actual or apprehended hostilities from the Indians. They arc considered sufficient, combined with the regular troops, lo maintain the peace of the frontier, and lo terminate the
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