July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8


decree and proclaim, that on the first Monday in September next, there shall be an election throughout this Republic at the several places, in the respective precincts, districts or counties, for holding elections for a President, Vice President, and members of the Sen- ate and House of Representatives of the Congress of the Republic of Texas. And all officers heretofore authorized to hold elections in their respective counties or precincts are hereby required to hold the election on the day above named for the said officers. And in case there should be in the County or precinct no person authorized to hold the election, then the voters will pro- ceed, before opening the polls, to choose three managers, whose certificates as to the result will be received. In the precinct of Austin there will be elected one Repre- sentative to Congress. In Brazoria Two, Bexar Two, Colorado one, Gonzales one, Goliad one, Harrisburg one, Jasper one, Jefferson one, Liberty one, Matagorda one, Mina two, Nacogdoches two, Red River three, Victoria one, San Augustine two, Shelby two, Refugio one, San Patricio one, Washington two, Milam one, and Jackson one. The returns to be made to the judges or managers of the election at the Capitol of the precinct within three days from the elec~on who will issue the necessary certificates to the persons elected. And from the Senatorial district of Bexar there shall be elected one Senator. From San Patricio, Refugio, and Goliad one. From Brazoria one. From l\tina and GQnzales, one. From Nacog- doches one. From Red River one. From Shelby and Sabine one. From Matagorda, Jackson and Victoria one. From Austin and Colorado one. From San Augustine one. From Milam one. From Jasper and Jefferson one. And from Liberty and Harrisburg one. And whenever two or more precincts compose a senatorial district, the managers of the elections at the capitols in the precincts last named in this proclamation, after having received returns of sena- torial votes shall make their returns in five days to the managers of the election in the capitol of the precinct first named, who shall issue the corresponding certificate to the person elected senator And as there are now in the army, in the service of their country, a great many persons who might thereby lose their right


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