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Before I left Washington General Gaines intimated to the Department of War that some indications of hostilities from the Indians on our western frontier had been made, and that if it became necessary he should make a call for the militia. He had also informed the department of his ill health, and asked for a furlough to enable hjm to visit the Whjte Sulphur Springs. I directed the secretary of war to grant him the furlough, and lo inform him of the apportionment which had been made of the 10,000 militia under the volunteer act, and if the emergency should arise which would make it necessary to increase the force under hjs command, that a thousand volunteers in Arkansas, and another in Missouri, raised agreeably to this act, would be enrolled and held ready for the service. This force, aided by the portions of the dragoon regiments that would be stationed in that quarter, and those of the regular army already there, was deemed amply sufficient for the protection of the frontier near the Indians referred to. There are no reasons set forth in the requisition which the General has since made upon you, to justify the belief that the force above enumerated will be insufficient, and I cannot therefore sanction it at the present time. To sanction that requisition for the reasons which accompany it, would warrant the belief that it was done to aid Texas, and not from a desire to prevent an infringement of our territorial or national rights. I deeply regret that the Tennessee volunteers, whose prowess and patTiotism are displayed so promptly on all occasions that threaten the peace or safety of their beloved country, have been called out on this occasion without proper consideration. They can for the present only be mustered into the service and discharged. If there are funds appropriated out of which they can he paid, an order to th.is effect will be given. The ten thousand volunteers authorized under the late act of Congress are intended for one year's service, and must be employed to meet all necessary calls for the defence of our frontier borders. Should the occasion arise for a greater number on the western frontier, the call will be made on Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois. There is, however, no informatio!l to justify the apprehension of hostilities to any serious extent from the western Indians. Should a necessity arise, the brigade from East Tennessee will be ordered to the western frontier as soon as their services can be dispensed ,vith where they are now employed. I would barely add further, that the authority given you by the order of the 4th of May, having been satisfied, by yielding lo
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