July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8


[Albert_ Emmanuel, Nacogdoches, to Sam Houston, August 6, 1836, requestmg Houston's aid in obtaining a contract from the Cabinet for_ furnis~ing uniforms for the Texas Army, which "can be delivered m 2 or 3 months from date of contract & will be furnished on accommodating credit."] (3894] [GREEN to EDITOR]

Head Quarters, Texas Army, on the Coleto

August 6th, 1836

To the editor [of the Telegraph]:

Dear Sir,-

1 understand with surprise and astonishment that in some parts of Texas the foulest slanders are in circulation against me, to wit: "That I should say, when we beat the Mexicans I would return and make war upon the settlers," &c. I am really at a loss how to answer such preposterous slander. Is there a living man in his senses who can believe such stuff, when he knows I voluntarily stake every cent of my property in the United States in behalf of the cause of Texas liberty, in her darkest hour. When day after day brought the sickening news of the successive masacres of the Alamo, GoJjad, Ward and King, and when our army was retiring before the enemy, and in the United States, all was irrevocably lost. At that time I sold part of my property al immence sacrifice, and mortgaged the rest, which stands subject to be sold in New Orleans on the 10th of November next, to pay monied loans, which I laid out in powder and lead, meat and bread, for the support of the army and navy of Texas. Let those who are so rife in these slanders, some of whom, I understand, have lately been at the army, ask themselves what they have done in defending the country; I am sure my conduct will suffer nothing in comparison with theirs. I am free to say I have expressed myself with much indignation against the tories of Texas, and I give all such full liberty to belie me; no other, J am sure, will. I regret exceedingly, sir, to have to trouble public mind upon such a subject. That it is most unpleasant for one who has slaked his all, and life in the


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