July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8


Courltako, Ala., 5th Aug., 1836.

Mr. N. C. Brooks, Staunton, Va.

Dear Sir:-1 have just received your letter, and hasten to give you lhe information you desire, in relation to the fate of your gallant though unfortunate brother. I knew him well, and as we were both natives· of the same slate, we soon became welJ acquainted, and our intercourse was of the most friendly character. Indeed, commanding "The Red Rovers" my-self, placed me in a situation to be with him almost daily. He was in the battle of the Prairie on the 19th March, fought with a musket, in the most cool and chivalrous manner, and received a very severe wound in the centre of the left thigh which shattered the bone and caused great pain. He was taken back to Goliad and lodged in the same house with some wounded Mexican Officers,- This was done at Col. Fannin's instance who thought he would be better attended to, and who seemed to take a deep interest in his situation. He was daily attended by a young Surgeon (Dr. Field) and I visited him likewise. I saw him for the last time, late on Saturday evening previous to the massacre. Dr. Field was with him that night and has since informed me, that he was at his bed-side on the following morning, when he ,.vas taken out by a file of soldiers, who murdered him within a short distance of the house. I have thus been particular in my details, in order to remove everything like doubt or suspense on this painful subject. I sincerely condole with his friends in their bereavement and if anything can mitigate their grief, it can be found in the estimate which was placed upon the young man by all who knew him. John Sowers Brooks, was alike conspicuous for his private virtues and noble daring in battle.

Respectfully yrs. Jack Shackleford.


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