July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

[3886] [RUSK to ARClNIEGA]

Head Quarters Colelo 5th August 1836

Dear Sir

Yours of the 2nd August has been received il is matter of eternal regret to me that Lhe distress of War should fall upon families of women and children and in no case will they be injured by our Troops Bejar being Lhe frontier however must be for some time Lhe Theatre of War and as such will be exposed lo many hardships & inconvenience I understand that many persons are driving off Caltle lo the Rio Grande and beyond this I have once or twice forbidden and I cannot consider the driving of provisions to an invading enemy in any other light than enmity and opposition to the cause of Texas those who do so will be considered and treated as enemys those who do not take up arms nor aid the enemy will be respected in person and properly those who do will be treated as enemys and I have so inslrucled Lhe Delachmenls that are out. Respectfully, Your·obt. Servt.

Tho. J. Rusk Brig Gen Comg

To- Miguel Arciniega


Frankfort, Kentucky, August 5, 1836. Sir: I have received your communication of the 27th ultimo, informing me that the Mexican minister had addressed a complaint to the Department, founded upon a publication made in the New York Courier and Enquirer of the 20th ultimo, copies from the Grand Gulf (Mississippi) Advertiser, announcing the passage by that place of two hundred men, under the command of Colonel Wilson, on their way to Texas, on board a steamboat, "with drum beating and fife playing, and suggesting that they will be followed by three hundred more, all from old Kenlucky,"


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