July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

[3884] [HUSTON to MAXWELL}

Office of the Qr Mr General Quintana August 5 1836

Order No. 11

To Thos Maxwell Ass. Qr Mr Sir,

You will see that the supplies are forwarded on to Mr Black in order that the troops passing through the country can be supplied. I recd yours of the 28 July, in answer to your request for money I have lo say, that I have not one Dollar in my hands having laid out Two Thousand dollars more for the Govt than I have recd from them, you must shift the best way you can untill some funds arrive, you can procure such articles as you need & draw on the Govt. I have authorized Capt. Black to do all the hauling &c he will be governed by your directions

Yours &c A Huston Qr Mr Genl

[3885] [JACKSON to CANNON]

Hermitage, August 5, 1836. Sir: I have received your letters of the 29th ultimo and the 4th instant, accompanied by the copies of communications which were addressed to you on the 4th of May and 25th of July, by the Secretary of War, and also accompanied by your proclamation of the 20th, founded on the requisition made by General Gaines, bearing date the 28th June last. The documents referred to in the communication to you of the 25th ultimo, from the War Department, have not yet been received. The obligations of our treaty with Mexico, as well as the general principles which govern our intercourse with foreign Powers, require us to maintain a strict neutrality in the contest which now agitates a part of that republic. So long as Mexico fulfils her duties lo us, as they are defined by the lTeaty, and violates none of the rights which are secured by it to our citizens, · any act on the part of the Government of the United States which would tend to foster a spirit of resistance to her Government and



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