advice, out of any funds in your hands belonging to this Government of Texas & Oblige
Your Obt Servant David G. Burnet
[3882] [FISHER to AUSTIN]
[George Fisher, New Orleans, to S. F. Austin, August 5, 1836, calling for a blockade of l\'latamoros and protesting against Santa Anna's release.] [3883] [HOUSTON to ROWLETT]
Nacogdoches Texas 5 Augt 1836
To Daniel Rowletl Esq. Sir,
You are hereby appointed quarter master to the company of volunteers from Red River commanded by Capt. Jno. Hart. You will obtain supplies for the command, if possible ,vithout impressment. If persons will not furnish supplies on the faith of this Republic, you will use so much as necessity requires giving receipts therefore. No property whatever will be impressed but such as is necessary to supply the command. The impressment of Horses is forbidden. You will see that the most perfect subordination and vigilance is kept up in the command. All disorders must be reported to the Genl. in command of the army. You will proceed directly [torn], at which Capt. Hart will report for duty with his command. The greatest expedition is expected. Your obedt servt
Sam Houston Cmdr in Chief Texian Army
[Endorsed:] Also one was given to H. Sanders of Col. Harrisons Command Nacogdoches Aug 22nd 1836
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