With regard to the allusions which Mr. Dickins seems lo have discovered in the said note from the undersigned, to the conduct observed by General Gaines in these transactions, the undersigned would regret exceedingly if any of them should have given grounds for supposing that he did not fully estimate the character, knowledge, and services of that general. The undersigned is far from denying them, and he only wished to state frankly his opinion that Mr. Gaines has been acting, perhaps without knowing it, under the influence of the friends of Texas, and of the Texans themselves, and that his good faith was constantly beguiled. The undersigned, in advancing this proposition, has not relied merely upon his own judgment, nor on his own observations and information; for, with regard to the occurrences of April and May, he has only repeated the opinions of the Governor of Louisiana upon the subject, as may be seen in the official despatch of General Macomb to the Secretary of War of the 25th of April, inserted in the Globe of the 16th of May; and as to what took place in June and July, the undersigned knows certainly, among other things, that it was General Rusk who informed General Gaines of the supposed movements of the Comanches. The undersigned supposes, also, that the military chief who gave notice to the latter general of the two assassinations on the Navisota cannot but belong to the army of Texas, as it appears that he was in command there. The undersigned avails himself of this occasion to renew to the honorable Mr. Asbury" Dickins, acting Secretary of State of these United States, the assurances of his distinguished consideration.
M. E. de Gorostiza.
Hon. Asbury Dickins, Acting Secretary of Slate.
[3874] [PARKER to -----]
Natchez, August 4, 1836. Dear Sir: I left Nacogdoches on Saturday morning the 23d ultimo. Previous to my leaving there, four companies of United States troops, (dragoons,) from Fort Towson, had arrived; six companies of infantry would be in Nacogdoches the next day, making in all ten companies.
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