lay the foundation for endless f cuds and bloody conflicts between tl;e civilized inhabitants of this section of America-whose vital interests call aloud for peace concord-and if possible a close alliance, firm and durable as the Rocks which form the basis of our greatest mountains! Hoping to be able soon to address you more explicitly upon this subject, I am with great respect your most obdt. servt. Edmund P. Gaines To General S. F. Austin Columbia, Texas [3873] [GOROSTIZA to DICKINS) Philadelphia, August 4, 1836. The undersigned, envoy e.xtraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Mexican republic, has been informed, by the note which the honorable Asbury Dickins, acting Secretary of State of these United States, did him the honor to address to him on the 1st instant, that the contents of his own note of the 28th of July last should be submitted to the President for his determination with regard to the subject. The undersigned will, therefore, await this determination with anxiety, being, as he is, every moment more and more convinced of its great importance, and of the powerful influence which it may, and must, exercise upon the future relations between the two countries, as well as upon their dearest interests. It is, indeed, much to be lamented, that the explanations given by order of the President, respecting the possible advance of General Gaines as far as Nacogdoches, were not of a nature which could have permitted the Government of the undersigned to reconcile itself lo the idea of such a contingency, without failing in its duty to itself, and sacrificing the rights and interests of the people whose affairs it directs. The Government of the undersigned would have been infinitely gratified had they been of such a nature; as it has certainly been most careful, ever since the commencement of the unfortunate disturbances in Texas, to avoid every thing, on its own part, which might possibly cause complaint or discontent between the United States and Mexico. The very mission with which it honored the undersigned, a mission of amity and confidence in every respect, would have demonstrated this,
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