July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8


Clarksville, Ten. Aug. 4th 1836.

His Excellency David G. Burnet President of the Republic of Texas Sir,

The late accounts of the reinforcements of large Mexican Armies against our Texian brethren, have induced me to address your Excellency, wishing to become servicable to that great, good, Texas-cause, not having been able to gain satisfactory information in the absence of Agents in Virginia (My State) or reply from Genl Sarni Houston, to whom I took the liberty to write. Feelings for liberty caused me, to leave my own dear native land-Germany-after serving five years from 1812 to 1817 in the Hanoverian Army against Napoleon, peace being restored, by taking my dismission as Captn. for the purpose of joining the Simon Boliver in South America, from whence I came to these United States and became a citizen, having lost one Brother in the campaign in Russia and another in Poland's cause leaving one in the Artillery Corps in the R. H. Army, some more, formerly in the Army, living in Italy.-Nothing else but the heretofore ill state of health of a delicate affectionate wife, children, and situation of my business has prevented my being long ago on the Texian field, but in my absence & during my travels since 1st March in Kentucky, Ohio, Inda., Ills., M., Mississippi, Ala., & this State Ten.-1 have exerted all my powers and of my little means in behalf of suffering Texas; encouraged every person, who could leave home, to go, and have enjoyed the gratification, to see Volunteers go from every place & State, in numbers or Companies.- In the early days of May I caused a public meeting to be held in Charleston, Kanawha County Va. (My residence near it) and subsequently one at Point Pleasant, Mason Cty Va. and the call for Volunteers was promptly answered by many gallant youngmen enrolling themselves and signing under a Texian flag inscribed with the motto:- "Let this flag wave till Texas be free,"- & Remember Bexar a Constitution, in words as pr Copy herewith.-


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