July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

other Boats, for the public use; at my open expense, in order to prevent any delay occuring to Volunteers or others going to join the army, or to individuals interested with Government; this being as you are aware the principal lower route for Travellers too, or from the United States. It has therefore become a ferry of much importance, to the country, as a crossing can be had here at all times, which is not the case with the upper ferry's on Trinity; In consequence of which, I received orders from Col Morgan, to remain at this ferry and continue to act with vigilance in forwarding tr<;>ops and others connected with Government, at aU times with despatch, and holding me accountable, for any delay that might occur as, "He felt assur'd, I could do more good with my Flats at the Ferry doubly so; than by going to the army," notwithstanding, has left Capt. Wm. M. Logan (Muster officer) to make further arrangements, and I am inform'd Capt. L.- is desirous to station another person here in my place.;thereby, intruding a Stranger on my premises, and feeling it to be an ungenerous act to attempt to remove me, without any cause but to gratify a seeming prejudice, and believing, that no other person in the same place, can render equal services; much Less more so. Having all along exerted myself night and day in the capacity of Ferryman here, without ever receiving one cent as a pecuniary consideration for my constant and unremitting attention. I have therefore been advis'd to make these circumstances known to your Honor, being fully aware that your personal knowledge of my location here gives me strong claim in resisting any intrusion. However, should it therefore become necess~ry, that I must withdraw myself and Boats from the Ferry; for an individual gratification, ,I am prepar'd to do so, and join the Army at a moments warning. If it can appear, that this sacrifice will be an equivalent for the General consequence which must necessarily, follow which I have no doubt will appear obvious to you.- Referring therefore to your honor, for advice, or a consideration of these circumstances; I again pledge myself, that nothing shall be wanting on my part, that may in any manner or way contribute to the advancement or interest of the cause of Texas.- Waiting your reply I am your mo. ob. St. Joseph Lawrence

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