[3858] [HARDIN to RUSK]
Head Quarters Augt. 3rd J 836
Genl. Rusk
It is always extremely disagreeable to me, to have lo make any request where there is the remotest probability of a refusal; 1 have no doubt of your having been much leased by persons wishing to leave the army: but I believe you will indulge me with the patience in making the same request for myself & company; as I know you are well apprised that when the last call was made, a considerable portion of my company had scarcely recovered from the fatigue of a three months lour having arrived al home only the 15th of June and left again on the 7th July and most of that interval taken up in preparing for the march I cannot believe you will construe this request into a want of patriotism in my company for I assure you they have al all times been the first to take up arms in defence of our country when the emergency of the times requires it and they will now if permitted to return home pledge themselves to be in readiness and obey the first call that may be made by the authorities of the country. And further we were called into the field for no stipulated time but to repel an expected invation of our country as that emergency has ceased or perhaps never existed I do consider that we ought lo have the privilege of leaving the army for the present.
Respectfully F. Hardin
Presented to
Capt. James A. Sylvester by Gent Samuel Houston
As a tribute of regard for his Gallant and vigilant conduct first in the battle of San Jacinto and subsequently in the Capture of Santa Anna Whose thanks were rendered by Santa Anna in my presence to Capt. Sylvester for his generous conduct towards him when captured. Sam Houston San Augustine 3rd Aug 1836
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