hand and glove and their ostensible object in my opm1on is to throw us back under the Mexican Dynasty by the release of sanla Anna who will confirm their power in Texas with all their fradulent claims of 1300 Leagues and powers to perpetuate their authority - they have tried hard lo destroy the army of Texas the only barrier between them and their nefarious views. This is the true situation of our affairs which can only be averted by Electing an honest and patriotic citizen lo the presidency, that man is Thos. J. Rusk whom I believe has acquired a popularity greater than any other man by his patriotic and honest course being altogether devoted to the Liberties of our country I hope you will take an active and warm part in his favor, rest assured in the cause of Liberty we are now contending for the citizens at home have to make the fight, defend your champion or Give up your Liberties - it is for them to say in the ensuing Election, whether we are lo be ruled by Just Laws under a Liberal constitution or sink back again into a worse than [illegible J despotism. Let Rusk & Liberty be the watchword and we are yet safe - for give us an energetic and honest Government and you will never find us agai~ falling back before a Mexican army let their numbers be what they may. If your business at home will permit it I should like to see you [lorn] the next congress the Election I believe takes place on the 1st of next month. I have had but little opportunity of hearing from you lately - hut hope to see the war at an End in a few more months that I can return home to my business.
With sentiments of respect your friend & obt servt Henry Millard
Hd. Quarters Western Department Camp Sabine 3d August 1836.
I return here with your letter from General Austin. I have determined to send an officer to the Texian Government and to the Army, to reclaim the Deserters from the Corps of my Command. It is due to the honor, and best interests of both Governments that their high military offenders shall be restored to their Corps, and they must be so restored peaceable if possible,forcibly if necessary.
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