July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8


Office of the Qr Mr Genl. Quintana August 2d 1836.

Order No. 20 To Pinkney Caldwell, Qr Mr Dear Sir,

You will transmit to me as soon as you can a true statement of all the Public stores now in the main army in order that I may know how & what to direct. You will also give me a full statement of all the Horses, Mules & Wagons now in the service in the main army belonging to the government. You will also see that all Horses Mules & wagons belonging to the Govt. are marked & Branded with the letters T. A. in order that the Govt. may not be defrauded, there is great Compalint that the public Mules & Horses are suffered to go unmarked, & consequently claimed by dishonest persons, it becomes your duty to guard against any frauds practiced on the Govt. of that kind, & I hope & trust you will use your utmost endeavours to place matters out of the reach of Roguery or fraudulent persons. I have been ordered to take charge of the commissary Department also that of the Ordinance which will make my office a busy one. I have not yet received the first line from you either as a Report or a requisition. l hope you will find time to keep me apprised of your wants.

Yrs Respectfully A Huston Qr Mr Gent

(3855) [JACK to HOUSTON]

Columbia 2nd Augt 1836

Genl Houston

I send you ten copies of the Telegraph, containing the constitution and order of election, which I hope will be recd. in due time.


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