Col. Ira R. Lewis
Nashville June 10th. 1836.
Dear Col.
J send you all lite despatches you will need in your mission, and [ trust you will lose no time. I have no news except what you may gather from the papers. Houston, thai)k Cod, is convalescenl, and our affairs go on bravely. Fisher, and Cazneau were a l New Orleans, but 1 can hear nothing certain from them. Please procure the articles me11lioned in the enclosed lists, and according to their models and descriptions. The Hrlicles that cannot be had ready made, you will please have manufactured immediately. They are not all for myself, but do not fail Lo get any of them, and pay for them out of any money you may have and it shall be immediately replaced. If any of the articles should not be ready by the Lime you leave, make an arrangcmenl to have them sent to Louisville to the care of Mr. A. T. Burnley. Success and despatch atlend you and we shall soon be riding over Lhe enemies of 011r country, on the green prairies of Western Texas. Yours as ever T. Jefferson Chambers N.B. l wrote to our agents in Washi11glon. ff you should meet them in N. York, they can send for the communication.
Army of Operations. -Excellent sir;- l have received with <lue respect, the despatch of your Excellency, dated l9th last month, and fully informed myself of all, that by order of his Excellency, the president pro !em., is ;;idvised me in it, as also of the cncrcrelic measures which are taken Lo reinforce Llie army of b , operations against Texas, the command uf which has fallen lo my insufficicncy. 1 must say, that il is extremely grievous Lo me, your E>:cellcncy, to see that ( do nol find myself in a situation lo fulfil any of such respectable commands, for the strong motives which l
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