(3280) [ BRENAN Lo BURNETl
Oak Land J unc 4th 1836
Dear Major
I started from Trinity a few days since Lo sec on business of importance lo me, but have been stopped in conse'lucnce of my Horse, he became sick and died here last night. A gentlcman has promised lo hand you this, and I hope you will favour ~c with an answer as soon as possible. I will slate our case lo you hope you will comply with my request. Mr. Mcferron and myself ran when the country broke up, and carried only what a small cart could hold and on my return l found that our house had been robed of every thing, the families arc now in the U. States, I had collected some cattle for the purpose of driving lo Louisiana to sell and purchase such articles as we wanted but we have been told that cattle cannot be driven out without a permit from the Cabinet. It was to obtain this permit I was coming to Vallasco, also to get a pasport for myself. My wife ii; in Oppalusas, and will be confined in a short time she is improvided with those necessaries so essential to a woman in her situation and it is to furnish her that J want to drive cattle. I did not doubt but I should receive a permit on stating my situation and I hope I shall not be disappointed in yet receiving boath the permit and pasport, the gentleman is waiting for this letter, Mr Este is we11, my respects to your family, let me again request your attention to this letter and an early answer. Respectfully your &c Thomas H Brenan [3281) [BURNET to OFFICERS] Velasco, June 4th, 1836. To Colonel-Ami Others, Officers Of The Army Of Texas. Gentlemen: Your communication, addressed to me from the encampment al Victoria, on the 26th of May, was received this afternoon. I should he wanting in duty to myself, were I to refrain from expressing my profound regret that lhe victors in the
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