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Velasco 9th June 1836 This may certify that Dr. Joseph Henry Barnard late from the State of 1Uinois joined the volunteer company of Red Rovers under my command on the fifth day of February last al Texana - that he continued a member of said company till after our arrival at Labahia (Goliad) where he was appointed by Col. J. W. Fannin Surgeon to the forces under his command - about the fifteen th of February aforesaid - that he acted as Surgeon to said forces under that appointment up to the day of our capture by the Mexican forces on the 20th of March last - was a prisoner with me till the Mexican troops left Bexar - at which place we then were - and which we left shortly after-and arrived al this place yesterday. I state with much pleasure, that during the time Dr. Barnard acted as Surgeon he was diligent and attentive to the discharge of his duties - and that his whole deportment was that of a soldier and gentleman.
Jack Shakelfor<l, I.ate Capt. Red Rover's
[TEAL AND KARNES to------]
Matamoras, State of Tamaulipas, June 9th 1836 My Dear friend - I am sorry to inform you of our unfortunate situation. We are detained here for nothing but to keep you ignorant of the enemy's intention; they will soon be down on you in great numbers; four thousand will leave here in four or eight days for La Bahia, it is supposed via Nueces or San Patricio, and as many more by water, in 15 or 20 days, from Vera Cruz, to land al Copano or Brazos, not yet ascertained at which place. They make a war of extermination and show no quarters. My dear friends, you see what treating with a prisoner is, hut you must make the best of it, you can fall back to the Colorado; and call all the men to the field, for if you do not Texas is gone; they have heard that the President is al Velasco, with a very small guard and say they wil1 have him in less than two weeks. l think you ought to send all the prisoners through lo San Augustine for safe keeping.
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