(3356] {MILLER to RUSKl
l\falamoras, June 9th, 1836
Gen. Thos ]. Rusk: Dear Sir:
The messenger who carries this is strongly recommended by all tlic friends in this place; Lhc news he carries is of the greatest importance to Texas. In Cod's name be governed by il. I expected to have carried this news to Texas myself, but to have been made prisoner was nol what I expected. I was lo have left this evening through the assistance of the friends to our cause. At 12 o'clock Lhis day l have been called up by Gen----- and obliged to give security, that I would appear at any time I was called upon, or that I would not leave the city, or else be imprisoned in the Quartet. Capts. Teal and Karnes are prisoners aJso. l hope if the then bad faith at the Mission Goliad, and elsewhere, will not fully open your eyes to the perfidiousness of these unprincipled wretches, in the detention of our Commissioner!:\ in this place, as well as myself and four of my men, aJl with passports from Gen. Felisola, you will hereafter act on principles of retaliation, regardless of the consequences to us. If you had shot the officers already taken, 1 have no doubt ti1is second attack would not have been made. The information is so full in the other documents and letters, that it is unnecessary for me to go into detail; the advice in them pay all attention to, and for Heaven's sake pay strict attention, and profit thereby. To Ga:.lveston and Matagorda, and your prisoners look well. Our situation is .bad enough, but death can ease our troubles.
[ am your enemy's prisoner, Major W.P. Miller Legion Cavalry.
[Thomas Ritchie, Richmond, lo Marlin Van Buren, Washington, June 9, 1836, sending letters on Tt'.xan affairs and discussing annexation. J
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