June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

the fort for a week-no slores of any sorl-lhe cannon we.-e those taken previously from Genl. Cos.- The Attacking army were more than 6000-1500 forming the forlorn hope of storming parLy. The Tejanos were but 183 in all-Every one of whom were butchered- and one of St. Anna's own officers wrote a friend that they had lost in killed & wounded 1500.- The professed object of the Legion of Honor was to reward the distinguished services of the Army agsl Texas.-although in fact it was the stepping stone to erecting a throne, for the New Napoleon in his return from his

conquest of Texas. Hon. John Forsyth

(3351) [CALHOUN to RUSK]

Pendleton June 9th 1836

Dr Sir

I beg leave lo introduce lo your acquaintance Mr. Bernard E. Bee of Charlestown, and latlerly a resident of this neighborhood-he goes to Texas with the view of making a permanent setllement. From your situation, and knowledge of the country, you may have it in your power to render him important services in aid of his views-you wiJl find find him inteUigent and efficient, & a usefull member of your new govt. Permit me to congratulate you on the unparalled success which has crowned your efforts in obtaining possession of the country, the advantages commerciaJly and politically will be immence. Should you see Pinckney Caldwell do say to him that J wrote some lime since as he requesled, and that I should be very glad lo hear from him. Jam Dr Sir Very respectfully yours John C. Calhoun [To Thomas J. Rusk]


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