One of the clerks in Lhe War office and a certain Doctor Betancourt (the ostensible Editor of "El Nacional") board in the same house where l do-and I look occasion lo remark in their presence, the day succeeding the publication I have referred to "that l knew Gen. Tomei to be the true Editor, and supervisor of that paper, thal it contained slanders on the Govt. and people of my country, for which he deserved to have his ears cropped, and that I would perform the service for him, if ever he threw himself in my way." Of course all this was reported to him by his clerk or his journeyman Editor, and in a day or two after the National, came out with a paragraph against me personally, and which offered a fair occasion for my addressing the General a letter of which I send you a copy, and the report made to me by Mr. Sebring of New York who delivered it. [His letter to Tomei was not found; but Sebring's report, a copy of which is in the volume of manuscripts, says that Tomei, after reading Butier's letter, refused to accept it.-Ed.] 1 subsequently notified the General that he would be horse whipped wherever I met with him, and advised him to go prepared for the encounter, as I would take no man by surprise, not even the calumniator Gen. Tomei. He had a fit a few days after this and has been confined to his chamber, so we have not yet met. -When we do, one of us may have cause to recoUect it.- I remain [etc.] . Anthony Butler You have doubtless seen a Law published some time since creating a "Legion of Honor" with the dress, badges decorations &ca. of the different degrees as Member, cross, grand cross &ca. &ca. This Law was recommended by Genl. Tomei, a ·short time after the News arrived of the taking of Fort Alamo by Assault.- The communication under Genl. St. Anna's own signature abounded in falsehoods. -he stated that the Attacking force consisted of 1200 including the reserve, commanded by himself in person. That the contest was desperate and sanguinary-the Mexicans losing 70 killed and about as many wounded-That he counted upwards of 600 Tejanos lying dead in the fort, after it was carried, besides prisoners-that he had captured 24 pieces of artillery abundance of provisions, stores &ca, all of which were inventoried by the Quarter Master General, and under the direction of the Govt.-when in fact-there was not provisions in
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