June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

Squire McDonald informcd me thal the citizens were all 011 the alert, and on the lookout for .M. Flores; and that, should he make his appearance, they would either arrest or kill him, some persons having sworn to kill him on account of having relations or friends killed in Texas by the Mexicans. Squire McDonald regrets very much that he did not arrest M. Flores on the night of the 6th of February; but he was not then aware of that article in the treaty between the United States and Mexico, by which wP. are bound to prevent our Indians from entering the Mexican territory for a hostile purpose. I directed Squire McDonald to summon the Mexican (John Moore) and :Mr. Munson, in order that I might take their oaths: this wiU take place to-morrow, at Squire McDonald's office. I will then take the necessary steps to have him arrested legally, should he venture to make his appearance, or wherever he may be found. I think there is not much probability of M. Flores making his appearance when he is so well known as he is between this place and Natchitoches, as he would be arrested for swindling: he having first mortgaged his farm for near its full value, and then having sold it to another person, without mentioning Lhat cfrcumstance. Squire McDonald says that the description given me by the Caddo Indians of the companion of Flores, was as correclly drawn as he could have done it himself. I shaU collect all the information relative to the subject that! possibly can. I think the only way to arrest M. Flores, would be to send an armed force into the Caddo country, when, if I do not greatly err, the lndians, either through fear or the hope of reward, would produce him. I think there is little doubt but that M. Flores, as well as J. M. .\tedrano, are still with the Caddoes, and will remain with them, unlcs8 they can find an opportunity of joining some division of the Mexican army in Texas. I have the honor lo be, sir, with g-reat respect, your obedicn t servant, J. I3onnel1 First lieutenant, 3d infantry. Major GcncraJ E. P. Gaines, ' c,,mmanding Western department, Camp Sahinc, Louisiana.


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