June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

(3349) I BURNET to TOBY]

Executive dept Velasco 9th June 1836

To Thos Toby Esqr. Dr. Sir.

Capt Wm. P. llarris goes to your city to procure some articles, necessary for the repair of the Steam boal Cayuga.-A letter of credit, has been given him on Coln. Triplett; Should he not be in your City, or should any event occur, by which he rnay be disappointed, I have to relJUCst that you will furnish him with three hundred dollars, on Govr Acct. Also that you will purchase the necessary lumber, for the above repairs. · I have the honor to he very respeclfully Yr. obdt. Servt. David G. Burnet [3350J (BUTLER to FORSYTH] June 9, 1836. Sir: I have long since had in my possession the most salisfactory proofs that Genl. Tomei has been for years the secret calumniator of my country, our Government and myself, and determined before my departure from Mexico lo bring him out if possible. He is the owner of a dirty little Newspaper published in this city under the Tille of "El Nacional" which is constantly filJed with the grossest abuse of the people of the U. States and especially since the Contest commenced against Texas-asserting some days ago that Genl. Gaines had been ordered by the Govt. of the U. Stales to place himself so near the bank of the Sabine, as would enable him to aid the people of Texas-and that the Mexican Government had proof, of Genl. Gaines's Troops having passed into Texas disguised:-that they were present in the battle which resulted in the defeat and Capture of Gen. St. Anna applying to us, the epithets, ambitious perfidious men, who under the mask of friendship and in the face of existiug Treaties, were secretly encouraging the revolt in a section of the Mexic11n Territory with the design and in the hope of eventually appropriating Lhe territory Lo themselves.


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