June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

valor y pericia, me complazco en la idea de que vais a presenlar al mundo todo la prucba mas segura de que los mejicanos supieron siempre repeler al invasor cstrangero. Companeros! El templo de la gloria se os ha abierto de nuevo, y la historia Liene consignadas paginas brillantes que va a llenar con vuestras hazanas. Volemos, pues, a donde nos llama el honor: hagamos ensenorear las Aguilas de la Republica en todo el territorio que les pertenece; y recuperemos al llustre Presidente y a nuestros hermanos que hoy encadena el enemigo; tornando despues al seno de la Patria que os reconocera coma siempre por sus buenos hijos. Matamoros Junio 8 de 1836. Jose Urrea [3347) [BURNET to KOKERNOT]

Lieutenant D. L. Kokernot.

Velasco, Texas, June 9, 1836.-Sir: Inasmuch as you find it impossible to procure assistance to return the horses and cattle you have taken from the citizens of the municipality of Liberty, you will immediately return and advertise the owners of that property, that each one may come and receive his own agreeable to my previous order. You will endeavor to place the property at the most convenient point for this purpose. David G. Burnet President Republic [3348} [BURNET to TRIPLETT]

Executive department Velasco 9th June 1836

Coln. Robert Triplett Sir.

Capt. Harris goes to Orleans to procure some articles

necessary for the repair of the steam boat.

I have to request of you to furnish him on account of our

Government three hundred dollars for that purpose.

Should he deem it necessary you will please purchase such lumber as may be deemed necessary for the above named repair.

I have lhe honor lo be very respectfully yr obdt Servt

David G Burnet


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