June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

q11eslionablc. The wa11l of denial, is admission of the facts-such admission would destroy half the strength of Texas, in the United Slates, and mighl do injury to the Cabinet. A feeling dictated by compassion, might be construed uncharitably. If Santa Anna were nol in the power of the Cabinet and had given in such a paper they would have said to him in return-..whatever defence you choose to tnake, shaJI be published-but we have evidence loo positive and unqueslio11able, that it is not true, to suffer it to go unnoticed by us, or u11der our Sanction- Nearly twenty men at differenl times & places, who escaped from the massacre, have testified to the terms of the capitulation, all corresponding with each other, such facts are too strong, to allow of doubt-and we are not willing by failing to deny the truth of your statement, to admit that we do. not know it to be untrue."Whether a feeling of compassion, or mercy for a man in your power should change this feeling, ot whether I am right or nol I cannot say-I will however venture one day_longer to hold it up, and if I find one or two persons acquainted with the general feeling of the country here, who are very prudent and intelligent, and that I can safely venture to confer with I will do it and unless without dissent they urge a delay of the publication until you can be heard from it shall come forth, and there seems so much presumption, in vcnhtring to exercise any discretion of my own upon the subject that I do it with pain, and do not know after mah1re reOection whether I shalJ not conclude that nothing will justify my with holding the publication-I hope however if I should do so to be able to furnish reasons from facts to be learnt here which could not be known al Velasco- The agency here is in extreme distress for money. I have to day given a check upon my private funds for $5000-which wilt be held as a Joan by Texas payable in sixty days out of the first money in her treasury-I hope it will so happen that I may Allow me to venh1re a suggestion. The business of the Government here, can never be done to advantage until the regulations suggested by me are adopted, and especially until a monthly settlement is insisted upon and enforced by the Govt. Short settlements and plain and Explicit ones, are indispensable and where a man ever hesitates to give one I should consider it the best reason for stopping transactions there. The present accounts


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