Office of the Private Secretary lo the President of the Mexican Republic, General-in-chief of this Army of Operations Most Excellent Sir: His Excellency the General of Division, Don Vicente Filisola, in his communication of the 25th May ulto. says to me Lhal which foUows: [Filisola to Santa Anna, May 25, 1836.J I transcribe said communication lo your Excellency for your information and the Cabinets, in order that you may be ac<1uainted, that the Agreement made between us the 14th May last, has been fulfilled on the part of H. Excellency General Don Vincent Filisola, which agreement was sent on to him, through General Don T. J. Rusk. On this occasion I repeal lo you my consideration. God and liberty. Velasco 8th June 1836
Anto. Lopez de Santa Anna.
To H. E. the President David G. Burnett.
{3343] [SMITH to RUSK]
Camp opposite La Bahia June 8th 1836
To Brig. Gen) T J Rusk Sir
Agreeable to your orders I continued to Scour the countTy on both sides of Antonio river and have found the countTy to be in perfect state of quietness, from information recd. this morning from two of my men the Enemy has passed out rapidly, therefore agreeable to your orders there is no further necessity for my reamining here and from inforamtion just received from one of Sagen men from Baxar, who arrived here last evening with a pasporl from Capt Sagen, informing us that the chief of Lhe companys came into Baxar and informed them that the Wakan & [illegible] were [ illegible l San Antonio, and intended in a short time to ravage the whole of that part of the country, to murder the inhabitants and
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