June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

which is S 1.50. Therefore we will try anci get if possible Lhe $3.00 by other means than by such. Very Respectfully

Yr Obt. Svt James Reed

P.S. Donl you let Santa Ana go if you do the work is all to as over again & you loose one half your friends in the f illegible]. It would meet the approbation of 3/4 of the people of the United Stales if you would [illcgihlel Santa Ana Coss & {illegible] the cause of Texas at Washington City goes on while & I believe the information will be acknowledged this session- Your cabinet wanls [illegible] badly some attacks to it cloes the country much injury, our counl1y11um u; no credit lo you

J Reed

[3340) [RUSK lo SMJTH]

Head Quarters Victoria 8th June 1836

To Col James Smith

Sir Information has just reached me that some citizens are driving on toward the Nueces from five hundred to one thousand head of cattle it is very important that they should be prevented from passing the Nueces. You will therefore take across in that direction proceeding as far as the Nueces if you do not sooner overtake the Cattle you will hand to those you may find driving the callle the enclosed proclamation and detach a sufficient number of men lo render that they are driven back from there you wiJI proceed if practicable by an upper ro~1d to San Anlonio you will be careful on going lo San Antonio to prevent any unnecessary interruption to the citizens there. Such conduct as entering their homes and taking their property you will certainly forbid improper those of them who have taken hand against us are go11e and Lhose who remain have either been our friends or are of no service to either party. Two officers have just reached Head Quarters from Genl. Gaines Camp bearing des- patches of considerable importance both to our Camp and to that of the Mexicans if on your way in the direction of San Patricio you shouJd faU in with them going on to the Mexican Army you will afford them every faciliLy in your power in preventing lhr.ir


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